Understanding Password Security And Information Breaches

Data breaches are becoming more commonplace, and it's a continuing test of both technical and personal security. Passwords continue to be an important part of the security discussion, but if you don't know what a "good" password entails or how an allegedly good password could still lead to a breach, here are a few information security details to guide you: Why Do Password Hacks Continue To Happen? The same technology that allows faster commerce, faster internet, more complex programs, and a generally more powerful technical world is also helping people break into the technical systems--if not from directly empowered new techniques, then because more people are educated enough to both create and destroy technology. Read More 

Thinking Of Starting A Home-Based Business? Technology Factors To Consider

If you have decided that now is the time to start your own business, the anticipation of getting started can be quite overwhelming and exciting. However, if you are planning to run and operate your business out of your home, there are even more factors to keep in mind and consider. The technology that you use and the computer systems and services that you utilize are among the most important factors to consider as you begin to plan your new home-based business endeavors. Read More 

How to Restore Files You Already Deleted

The process of deleting a file might seem pretty straightforward—when you delete a file, it's gone forever—but luckily things are not so cut and dry. If you recently deleted a very important file by accident, there are a number of ways you can try to get it back, even if you've already emptied your computer's recycling bin. This doesn't mean recovery is a guarantee, but these steps are definitely worth a try. Read More 

Basic Functional Testing Questions Answered

Designing a program to be distributed to consumers can be an extremely complicated engineering project to undertake. While you may be interested in getting your project to market as quickly as possible, it is important to ensure that the program is thoroughly evaluated. A critical step of evaluating any piece of software is functional testing, but new business owners may need some concerns about this testing addressed. Why Should You Invest In A Functional Testing Service like Software Quality Testing? Read More 

The Security Benefits of Server Colocation

Server colocation was once a common alternative to the purchasing of dedicated servers or virtual private servers. By placing your own server within a data center, you can retain more control over both your hardware and your software. But this isn't just a matter of control—it's also a matter of security. Colocating a server is often the safest possible method of security. You Have Complete Control Over Your Software Dedicated and managed services come with software preinstalled, some of which could have potential security gaps or exploits. Read More